Big Walnut Middle School, Sunbury, OH

Big Walnut Middle School, Sunbury, OH

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Student Leadership

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Increasing Student Choice & Student Voice through Student Leadership

As the calendar year adds another number and bitter cold winds enter the great Buckeye State, student and school leaders look to continue our focus on student choice and student voice in 2016.  Research shows that a strong link between giving students choices and their intrinsic motivation for doing a task, their overall performance on the task, and their willingness to accept challenging tasks (Patall, Cooper, & Robinson, 2008).  Classroom teachers continue to work in collaboration to chase after personalization within the classroom.  
 In addition, Big Walnut Middle School values student voices in 2016.  Research from the Qualia Institute suggest that less than half of students in secondary education in America feel that they have a voice in decision making in their schools (Summary Report 2012).  When students feel they have a voice, they are more likely to feel invested and engaged in their schools; when students believe teachers are listening to their voices, mutual trust and respect are likely to flourish; when students’ voices are heard and acted upon in schools, the schools stand to become more relevant to the students’ lives and are more likely to be seen as serving their needs.  Big Walnut Middle School continues to empower students with the Leadership Council, Athletic Counsel, Student Counsel and SOAR Committee organizing and planning a wide variety of events for all students this year.  These student leadership development initiatives will continue to support the whole student at BWMS and encourage student engagement and student voice.  For example, the Student Leadership Committee is deep in the planning process of working with community partners in the organization of the first BWMS Service Day.  Overall, student choice and student voice are at the core of the climate of inclusiveness and support for all students at Big Walnut Middle School.
Keep checking back as we continue to share more specific examples about increasing student voice and choice at Big Walnut Middle School through Student Leadership in the creation of a Whole School Service Day!

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